It good to be back folks! And boy to I have some exciting news! Wizards of the coast ‘s latest entry to their card game Kamigawa Neon Dynasty has dropped and with a bang too! Here I’m going to talk about some of my personal likes as well as the lore of the story. So if you don’t want spoilers for the story go forth into the internet and read for yourself! That way we can also discuss the story as well as some of the mechanics added to the game in length.

To start off, the story takes place in one of magic’s oldest worlds, Kamigawa and let me tell you the advancements in technology that this world has had. They have gone full cyberpunk. Introducing Mechs as vehicles. Modified cards that were originally more traditional eastern spirits into cyber versions of their previous forms. Such as Kodama of the East tree to Kodama of the west tree. Just as an example. The other mechanics that were added to the game comes with a heavy hearted subject of one of our favorite Planes walkers of the set being completed by the phyrexian predator Jin-Gitaxias.
This mechanic is called completed which means for story purposes that character is no longer the same person. Tamiyowas completed and turned into a phyrexian pawn. The mechanic allows you to instead play life to play her planeswalker card instead dof the usual mana but at the trade off of 2 fewer loyalty counters on her when she enters the battlefield. Which also means moving forward we are going to see more walkers get this treatment and maybe even see some come back as a phyrexian from the dead. While I personally don’t put too much marrit into that theory of walkers coming back from the dead I do think we will definitely see more characters get this treatment. Am I happy about it? No, but do I agree that it might be a good decision moving forward to better the story and lore? Yes.

We are looking at some amazing things coming out of Wizards with the release of this new set. Not only is the story getting some major progress but the cards in this set are fantastically designed and the art on the cards are some of the best I personally feel to date. By the time of this article the set has entered prerelease and is on it’s way to stores near you.! I highly advise you look into it and see for yourself!
That said, we have a discord that we would love to talk to our fans about! Feel free to stop by and we can chat if you'd like! We’d love to hear from you about your thoughts and feelings on magic the gathering and any other topics you’d wanna talk about! We’ll have a blast!