Once this game dropped I had to buy it, and let me tell you, It was everything I wanted and more. Working your way up through the game, completing shrines, the satisfying boss fights, I’ve even dumped countless hours just by climbing mountains and mining ores on Death Mountain. The fact this game is open world, so full of lore from and nods to the other games, and has some fun DLC content (like a motorcycle), are all just minor points on why I love this game so much. The fact that it is getting a sequel is super exciting! That said, I have some theories of what the next game's story might be about.

After you go through all the trouble beating Ganon and getting Hyrule back from the muck and mire that was the calamity, the game leaves off with Link and Zelda going around Hyrule to help her people and what I can only assume is trying to get the country back together as a whole. My thoughts are that the second game is going to focus on rebuilding Hyrule, from what I’ve seen in leaks and the official trailer that dropped, I don't think Ganon is going to be reincarnated, but his body will be a vessel for a different evil in absence of his defeated soul that was in Calamity Ganon.

If you look at Breath of the Wild as a whole, a lot of evidence shows that this game is where ALL other timelines meet sans Hyrule Warriors, because that game is in a whole other timeline and universe not canon to the main games. I theorize that Ganon in the sequel will not technically be the main villain, but Zant. If you look at the glyphs and wispy magic that circle what appears to be Ganon’s body it looks a lot like the magic and glyphs from the game Twilight Princess. I personally feel that alone is something interesting, but that fact that Zelda tells you Ganon has given up reincarnation to fight you as the giant centipede mess means it that new villain more then likely isn’t going to be our Gerudo boy. I’m pretty positive it’s Zant being that he did vow to come back. I know it might be a bit of a far stretch, but I feel it’s a fun theory and something I personally would love to see. That and it would give more body to this already lore rich world and bring even more fun to fans of the franchise both young and old.

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