I know its a common joke to mention how just as many remakes and reboots are made instead of new projects. Every classic movie has 2 or 3 remakes, every tv show as a spin off or sequel of some kind. But we live in a golden era of revisiting things that deserve the appreciation. Final Fantasy 7 remake was one of the best games on PlayStation 4. Final Fantasy 12 zodiac age was an amazing way to touch up on an already great game. Spyro Reignited and Crash N-Sane trilogy were super amazing games even if you take out all of the nostalgia of their brands. Stubs the zombie has even been rereleased by popular demand. So why is their no rerelease of Legend Of Legia?

Now, a lot of you may not know the game I'm talking about. Which is kind of my point. It was a game that would do very well in the current tread of reviving old IPs. It was a turn based JRPG from 1998. A period many people call the gold era of the genre. Which is why is may have been missed. A lot of very famous games, such as Final Fantasy 7, Legend Of Dragoon, and Ocarina Of Time. So it makes sense its not the most well known.
But it should be. It had a very unique combat system. While a lot of games of its types got stuck in the "Attack, Magic, items" type of selection, it used a fighting game style of inputs. You mixed a combination of up, down, left, and right on your turn. The different combinations of inputs resulted in your special attacks and magic and etc.
On top of that, it had an AMAZING sound track. Such as the following song
The story was one for the ages. Memorable characters, an enthralling world, and charming and mysterious plot elements. And the art style? Masterpiece.
All of this aside, I have one question. WHY HAS IT NOT BE RERELEASED???

This game would do AMAZING in the current market. It was a classic RPG not made by square, which gives it a special place. Not to mention, the world involved has a lot to offer. Could spawn additional sequels beyond the Legaia 2: Duel Saga. And it would undoubtedly bring Sony a lot of Money. WHERE IS IT
- CJ