At long last the arrival of The Pokemon sword and shield two part DLC is here! The part of the DLC is called the Isles of Armor and let me tell ya, it’s a blast. From getting to train at a dojo to battling the former Galarian champ this DLC is a blast from start to end.

You start off by taking a flying taxi to the Isle of armor where you meet your version exclusive rival. You face off with them and then you meet master mustard and his wife honey. Both pretty cool characters if you ask me. Once enlisted there they give you a choice between a squirtle and a bulbasaur and from that point on it’s training time. Eventually you also acquire a small Pokemon named Cubfu. Threw your training and will power you eventually gain entry into one of the two towers on the Island. The tower of Waves or the tower of darkness. Once you beat master Mustard at the top of the tower of your choice you are free to Evolve your Cubfu into whichever version of it’s evolved form you’d like! With all the Raid’s going on in Pokemon sword and shield it’s super easy to level up a Pokemon.

The island is also full of other wild area Pokemon biomes that have other Pokemon only exclusive to the Isle of armor. You can ride your bike on the water and now Sharpedo’s chase you down and try to attack you, and While that is a bit terrifying it’s also amusing. You also get to have a galarian Slowbro which uses the shellder on its arm as an arm cannon!
Honestly my words can’t do this full Justice. I personally feel you the reader if you haven’t should go out and get Pokemon sword and shield and the expansion pass. It’s a lot of fun and honestly a wholesome adventure that both you and your family can enjoy in both watching and playing.