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"Paging Dr. Cooper"

Writer: Critically Absurd CrewCritically Absurd Crew

Young Sheldon

#1 series overview by Jordan Beter (former CATV member)

   Jim Parsons quickly made us question everything in life through the eyes of a genius in his character on the now beloved show, The Big Bang Theory.Parsons plays Dr. Sheldon Cooper, PhD and ScD , who does his best to understand love, life, and the playful sarcasm from his band of fellow genius friends while still maintaining superiority of course. This quirky, unfiltered,oddly relatable,arrogant yet sweet hypochondriac character has become more than a house hold name in the shows 10 season success.    While BBT does an excellent job sprinkling evidence of a contradictory past using hilarious intermittent spotlight on his mother, a God fearing,no nonsense Texan woman,the show doesn't go quite as in dept as wed all admit we would like to see. Cbs has just unveiled the new comedy ,Young Sheldon ,and it's promising just what our inner geek wants it to .The show focuses on a nine yr old Cooper, caught in the fight we all can understand;being misunderstood.He has easily proven to be of very high i.q. , but can he manage to face highschool with his much older peers?    The show will air for the first time Monday Sept 25, at 9 on CBS,but it already has people buzzing.What will you think of Young Sheldon? I, for one, am anxious to see what fresh comedic take CBS can make out of an already loved character.    Sheldon Cooper's dry and borderline demeaning humor is much appreciated as an adult we already are accustomed to, but will a snide, prepubescent translate the same? Perhaps Jim Parsons lending his snark and recognizable tone as narrator for his "biographical" journey will help create a formula of funny; comedy+ familiarity= captivating success. Watch and explore with me and let me know what you think



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