What can I say about this franchise…a lot, honestly. It's a very large and well known franchise, its affected so many lives. This series has done a lot for its fans and seems to only be trying to do more and more as the years go on. When I was younger I remember the feeling of dropping a Pokemon yellow cartridge in my Gameboy color and turning it on to see this little beady red light come on. I remember the challenge of playing in the car at night and being thrilled when a street light passed and I got a glimpse at what I was actually doing on the screen. It was a great feeling when I finally topped Blue in the elite four for the first time. It was something that meant a lot to me as a person.
I was once in the hospital for a long period of time, almost two months, and Pokemon Diamond/Pearl had just been released. I was lucky enough to have family that bought them for me and I just buried myself in them to make the time pass. Every turn I made in these games felt amazing when you have nothing but sterile walls to look at. It was also this generation that I found my favorite Pokemon, which is Torterra in case anyone was wondering, but this is beside the point. Even after the hospital stay, being out into school I continued to play and too this day I feel a deep joy when I play these games.

I remember one time I was battling one of my friends and It had been down to the wire on both sides. We were both down to our last Pokemon, mine being a Blaziken, his being a Salamance and he used fly. I had decided to teach my Blaziken Sky Uppercut and now was my time to shine! When you launch this attack it would hit your opponent even if they were flying in the air. I was worried that he would outspeed me but wouldn’t you know it the move went off and took out his last pokemon. I was overjoyed! This was the first time in all of my playing this game that I had battled another player and I had won! This moment meant the world to me and it is one of my fondest memories of the game.

That being said, I might not always agree with the moves that the company makes and some of the things they come out with, but it makes me happy none-the-less. They tend to keep me up when I’m feeling down and truthfully part of the reason I do what I do here at CATV is to bring those feelings to others. I see that I have a chance to use this to help make people happy and enjoy bringing them geek related things and news they might have an attachment to the way I do Pokemon. If I can help someone through a hard time by making them laugh and smile with a podcast or run a game of D&D I will do so to my fullest.
To me, Pokemon has been a constant in my life and has helped me out through many rough times, I can only hope it continues to be even better for the generations to come.