In the past I’ve made articles about the Pokemon franchise due to my love of it, so this
should come as no surprise that I’m doing a review of the newest games. While I know these games have had a lot of negativity surrounding I wanted to share some of the positives I found in the game.

To start off I actually like the setting of this new region. Galar has a dope new feature
called the Wild Area and I absolutely love it. It’s a vast open area that contains wild and rare pokemon. This is also where you encounter the new battle mechanic of the game Dynamax raids where you and your friends can battle a giant sized pokemon and attempt to capture it. It also has several different NPCs in it that you can trade points you earn in the raids for special TMs. Overall it’s a great new feature that I hope comes back in other games.
Speaking of Pokemon I feel the new Pokemon in this game have pretty good designs. The Galarian forms are really cool and I feel most of the Pokemon in this game are right at home in the region. Sometimes you look at a mon and feel that they are a bit out of place in this game. However, this time I feel they all really fit into the region very well. I also enjoy the different themes that the rivals have with their Pokemon teams. You get a very good feel for their personality and the bond they have with their mons.

That being said I actually feel the rivals in this game all have an overarching story to
them and honestly it’s better than most of the other ones we’ve had in the past in my opinion. I mean sure blue and silver had good story arches to them, but after that the rivals tended to devolve into more battle fodder than anything else. Heck one of them even takes up a mantle that you wouldn't expect out of them. Which overall gives more depth to them as well as the story of these games and I enjoy it deeply.
The whole Pokemon gym challenge is pretty awesome in how it’s portrait is both what
I’ve always imagined gym battles as well as the league battles to be. Big, over the top, and very showy. All three qualities that I love and really hope they stick with this trend. It Gives the battles for me a more emurced feeling and honestly it makes me feel more accomplished after playing thew the main story. Which is pretty good as well.
Overall I really liked this game and took it with a grain of salt what negatives I did see in
it. Which I mainly saw in the Online play. But if you wanna talk about it Join our discord and we’ll talk about it! We’d love to hear your opinion on it as well as talk to you.