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Tales Of Berseria: When its good to be bad

Writer: Critically Absurd CrewCritically Absurd Crew

Tales of Berseria is the 16th entry in the much beloved "Tales" rpg series. Like many JRPGs, it a series full of self references and its own repeating tropes. A typical game in the series will start chock full of cliches and expected tropes, but through the course of the story and character development they subvert and challenge these cliches. So much so that its almost became a trope into itself. But Tales of Berseria cuts to the chase and flips the genre on its head right from the get go. How you ask? By making you play the as the villain.

The main character is Velvet Crowe, a young woman who, thanks to a terrible betrayal, has become a bloodthirsty demon who cares only for her revenge. And who is the target of her hellish hatred? None other than the man who is believed to be the savior of humanity. She goes to any length to hunt and kill this man. The process of which makes her seen as a monster to both the law and the people of the land.

The world of Berseria is a very gloom one. A horrible plague called demonblight is ravishing the land turning innocent people into viciousmonsters. To make matters worse, these demons can only be hurt by exorcist, humans who have bound themselves with angel like beings called malakhim. Fortunately for the humans of the land, a powerful exorcist named Artorius has assembled the rest of them together in a very powerful religious military organization known as The Abby. Thanks to the the power of the exorcist, and the Abby's dedication to law in order during the chaotic time, a small amount of peace and hope has been brought back to the land, and Artorius named "The Shepard" of mankind.

The Shepard himself is Velvet's target. The game doesn't wait to show you her reasons for her rage. Nor does it shy away from the means she is willing to go to for her vengeance. At the start of her journey, Velvet would gladly destroy the world itself if it meant taking Artorius down with it. Along the way she teams up with a group of other outcasts of society. A fellow demon, a pirate, a witch, an exorcist who betrayed the Abby, and a few more surprises. But as you hunt down Artorius and his followers, you learn a lot about Velvet and her crew. You come to see each of them has a reason for living how they do, and you come to learn that the Abby isn't as perfect as it wants the common man to think.

It is a tale full of twists and turns that will keep you coming back for more. But on top of that, it defends its existence with its story. The story of Berseria is a very unique one that would only be weakened if it hesitated from its brutality or violence. It wouldn't be what it is if it didn't go to the dark places that it does. Its a story that couldn't be told from the "good guys" point of view. It gives an interesting perspective on what makes a person who they are or why they do the things they do. Sometimes it takes a monster to show us who the good guys really are. It also explores a very powerful message about safety verses security, about duty verses free will. Last, but not least, its also a game that shows us sometimes, its fun to be the bad guy.

So let me ask. Why is it that you think birds fly?

By Cj Gilbert


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