I'm just going to come right out and say it: I think Generation One of Pokemon is the least cool overall. I understand that this is not exactly a popular opinion, especially among fans who no longer follow the franchise as a whole. It's a sort of sign of the way things have gone in terms of the widening divide in fans of long-running franchises.
Let's take a look at some of the best and worst of the First Generation of Pokemon.

First, there's Scyther. As a bug type, he holds a surprisingly high amount of popularity. It's a pretty basic praying mantis that with blades for arms. Simplicity actually benefits this design, which has retained its charm for many years as one of the cooler Pokemon.

Up next, we've got the much less appealing Psyduck. While Scyther might not be the most original Pokemon, it at least has an edgy appeal to it. Psyduck is exactly what it sounds like: A duck with psychic powers. While not the outright worst example of a Pokemon design (which is sad), it's definitely up there on the list of “Why does this Pokemon even exist?”

Third is another ringer: Charizard. While this fiery lizard has managed to stay at or nor the top of the favorite starters list from the start, it still doesn't hold up in originality to some other dragon counterparts. Still, there's much to be said for the basic dragon aesthetic that the first Fire starter has. Even if it doesn't have the Dragon typing.

With a good comes a bad, as evidenced when the First Generation also brought us the most original Pokemon design to date: Ditto. While I get the idea and the concept, Ditto has only managed to stay relevant for those who breed Pokemon. It's design is a pink blob, among at least two other purple-pink blobs in this gen, with a blank little face.. Not exactly winning any prizes for concept of the year there, guys.

Mewtwo is cool, and deserves to be mentioned. However, when you start getting into the legendary Pokemon, it is quickly overshadowed by much cooler counterparts. The Pokemon is essentially a clone of the first Pokemon, Mew, which is basically a flying cat. Mew was cute, but Mewtwo is the angst-y teenage clone we didn't exactly ask for but now sort of have to live with.
Now, for a few examples of Pokemon from generations after the first.

Scolipede, a Bug/Poison-Type Pokemon, is a good example of how the designs of Pokemon have evolved throughout the generations. With several distinct markings and an edgy demeanor befitting a Pokemon of it's typing, it certainly raises the bar on earlier models such as Butterfree. Cute as Butterfree is, it's still just a big butterfly for the most part, which leaves much to be desired visibly.

Hitmontop, the Fighting Pokemon who spin-kicked it's way into our hearts in the GSC era of games. While the previous forms of this pokemon's evolution chain were fine, the off-center approach of a break dance fighting Pokemon was both novel and welcome. It manages to balance looking sort of silly with being unique and cool in it's own right.

Absol, the Dark-Type Disaster Pokemon who was a stand out favorite from it's own RSE era. This Pokemon's stark contrast in colors blends well with its aggressive yet majestic appearance. While it clearly has a certain appeal to it, it manages to hold up to the test of time, mostly by having a simple, yet striking design.

Sylveon, the Fairy form of the ever popular Eevee. This Pokemon was one of the better received forms of Eevee, mostly due it's adorable model and it's usefulness in a fight. As a flagship Fairy-type, it fuses the look of an Eeveelution with the more modern approach to designs. It incorporates elements like a ribbon and a bowtie to add to it's already immense charm.

Galaran Rapidash. Not only do the newer generations of Pokemon include a plethora of interesting new Pokemon, they've even gone so far as to revamp previously released Pokemon. The Galar region of Pokemon is home to a very different form of a classic Fire Pokemon, Rapidash, who is now a Psychic/Fairy-Type. With all of the former majesty of the flaming unicorn's counterpart, the Galar Rapidash has proven to be a perfect example of how things have changed in terms of Pokemon designs. The updated model comes as a breath of fresh air for a Pokemon who was almost forgotten to time.
So the next time you think about how dumb that garbage bag Pokemon is, or the silliness of the ice cream cone Pokemon, just remember that there are also giant snakes, centipedes, and magical unicorns out there being added with every new generation. Who knows? Your favorite Pokemon might not even exist yet.