I’ve been playing tabletop games as long as I can remember and let me tell you I’ve had some good times! In both running and playing games, but my personal favorite is a little game called Dungeons and Dragons. This game is much better experienced that it is explained and Honestly the whole point of it is to use your imagination and most of all have fun. However, I’ll lay down some basics if your new.
In D&D you have different races such as Human, Elf, halfling, half-orc, and there are several others, just depending on what it is you would like to play in your game. These races are normally paired with a background ( What you have done for a living or otherwise what you’ve been threw in the past Such as Pirate, Hermet, or acolyte ) and a class ( What you are as of now.) Such as a paladin, Ranger, Druid, or a Wizard. Again, There are several more, but I’m just dropping out some basics. Once you’ve picked and made your character you are Ready to start making adventures of your own.

Now, I’ve had several characters in my time and I have a few favorites. Once of which was a Fighter/Druid who was originally a coal miner for his family. His name was Atticus Albright and let me tell ya, He Helped fight an evil litch that had a plan to take over the world! He also by the end of his story had a loving wife and a child. In these games these characters make a life of their own and most of the time have a good ending.
Another story is I was playing a paladin once. Rory McFlanagain, a paladin that was devoted to protecting nature and keeping as much order as he could. He once was fighting a horde of Gnolls and holding his own. However things were turning bleak for his party. One of his comrades had been placed on the brink of death and held hostage by the leader of the Gnolls and from across the campsite he broke threw the horde that had surrounded him with a single javalen and hurled it threw the campfire that had been burning directly into the heart of the enemy leader. Telling them to yield and they did so. There was another time with the same character that I feel needs mentioned as well. He once held off a half orc barbarian that used a glove that had a maxed out offence and managed to survive a full combat round with them.

My third and final story comes from a Simple Loxodon Druid. Vashemi faced down a dragon and showed no fear. She stared him in the eye and held her own, which given she was only a level three character facing off against a Dragon who are normally even feared by the highest leveled characters in the game. She stood the line as her friends escaped the dragon’s lair and managed to escape with their lives. That is to note so did she. That game is still going on and her story is still being forged.
If you would like to play and are interested in making your own Please feel free to hit us or even if you want local game shops offer free to play games in your area. It’s worth giving a try and an absolute blast. D&D also helps with other things such as depression and anxiety. As well as building friendships and bonds with the people around you and in your community.