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My Top 5 Favorite D&D Classes

Writer: Critically Absurd CrewCritically Absurd Crew

Threw the years that I’ve been playing D&D I’ve tried almost all the classes you can try. Only one I think I haven’t don’t yet is wizard and that’s because I feel other classes do their job better, but that’s just my opinion. Anyways, I’ve been playing thing the game ten plus years and I would like to share with you my top five favorite classes to play!

For the first one on this list I have to give it to Monk. In prior versions of the game the monk class had an alignment restriction placed on them which in my opinion made them hard to use, but in D&D fifth edition they fixed that! They no longer have that and it has freed me up to play them however I see fit. Thus to me making them feel more customizable to how you want to play. Their dex based punches and ki point system is a great way to play off the class features and with the sub classes you can choose from like drunken master or way of the long death you can honestly play the monk how you wanna play!

Now, for the second slot on this list I would have to pick the good ol’ Fighter. Another very customizable class that has many different ways you can play them. Wanna be smashy? Make a strength based fighter that’s a brute. You wanna fight with a bow and arrow? Be an Arcane archer. Wanna have spells and wreck face with a weapon? Be an Eldritch Knight. Honestly, I could go on and on about this class. It’s fun to play, very customizable and probably the best class to start playing D&D with.

My Third slot is by far the Barbarian. This Class is normally very smashy in terms of combat and they can take a hit VERY well. But probably my favorite subclass about this class is the Barbarian Zealot. This subclass yes ties your barbarian to a god, but you get the option of which god and while you can’t really heal hitpoints on your own like a paladin or a cleric you actually get a feature called Rage beyond Death. This Feature allows you not only to stay up after your hit points have dropped to zero but as long as you make the constitution saves you just keep going through divine intervention and keep wrecking the enemy's face. It’s amazing and probably one of my all time favorite abilities in a class of any kind.

My fourth favorite class is the Druid. This class has access to some super cool spells and subclasses in the game! For starters you get access to Cure wounds, so you can heal yourself as well as your allies. You also have the class feature Wild shape which allows you to change into different animals and while you might think that seems useless it’s very good for recon as well as getting into small spaces when you are otherwise too big to fit. You also get access to debuff spells such as Faire Fire as well as offensive spells such as call lightning, Ice Storm, and Wrath of Nature all of which deal massive damage and can affect the terrain around you and your enemies. It’s great and if you haven’t tried this class I highly suggest giving it a look.

Now, My favorite class of all is going to sound out there, but it has to be Paladian. This class much like the Monk had an alignment restriction that I felt like I couldn’t functionally play and in this edition of the game it was lifted! Giving me freedom to do what I want with the character again. That said this class not only has access to heals but has an amazing ability called divine smite which allows you to expend a spell slot to add a D8 of radiant damage. Depending on how big your spell slot you spend depends on how many dice you roll. Oh yeah, They have their own spells as well! You can also be a paladin of an ideal which means you don’t have to be tied to a god if you don’t want too which I feel is always a good way to branch out your character. They have several subclasses that are fun as well which are called Oath’s. Such as Oath of the Ancients which not only gives you access to some druidic powers. Which gives you more options.

There you have it! My top five favorite D&D classes. Why don’t you tell us what your favorite class is. Join us on our discord and tell us what you think!



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